Saturday, December 20, 2014


OK. So today I am going to talk about pizza. YES, PIZZA. And it's going to be a rant, so get ready!
Now, I know that people will read this and be like "calm it, chica" and sure, for some people, it's not a big deal. But hear me out.

I got home from work today (about 30 min ago) and I was really hungry, and during the last couple of hours at work and on the way home I thought about what I could eat when I got back. And this is no unusual occurrence - at school or wherever I am, I always think ahead to meals and get excited for them :) that's human right? We base our lives around food!

Anyways, I was really looking forward to eating my leftover cheese pizza from the night before. When I got home and opened up the pizza box, there were 1) only 2 slices left and 2) NOT CHEESE. They were slices from what my family ordered: veggie slice and a ham slice. You have to realize, I am a really picky eater, and I don't like any of that stuff on my pizza. So you can imagine my utter shock and disappointment, washed down with a wave of anger as I opened the box and found out that SOMEONE ELSE ATE IT.

 Maybe, just maybe, I could understand if that was the only kind of pizza left. BUT NO. They had ordered their separate types of pizza the night before, and seemed happy to eat it then. So why did they seem to think it was ok to eat MINE, the one I specifically asked for, today? They had their own crap pizza they could eat, THEY ORDERED IT, THEY WANTED IT!!! But no, my mood and half my day had to be ruined, because they ate ALL 4 pieces of mine.

To say I get irritated and annoyed by this is an understatement. And yes I completely realize people will read this and be like "stupid girl, it doesn't matter, this is such a lame 1st world problem." And you know what, I agree. It's stupid. BUT IT'S MY STUPID PROBLEM AND I DIDN'T GET TO EAT MY PIZZA.

If you are still having trouble picturing how much this disappointed me, I will make a reference to Friends (aka the best TV show I have ever watched! So hilarious, I watched all 10 seasons in 4 months, and strongly recommend it), in "The One with Ross's Sandwich." Pretty much describes my reaction perfectly. Personally, I think pizza is even more devastating than a sandwich, but each to his/her own, right?
SO yeah, I included the clip: WATCH IT, it's funny and spot-on :D

OH, and on a much needed happier, cheerful note, since I probably won't post before Christmas: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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