So, another year is here ... it seems like each year passes by more quickly. My 2015 resolution is to eat healthier and become more fit. This is probably half the world's resolution, but still, a good one. On New Year's Eve, my family went to see a drive in movie, Unbroken, and then I jumped into my really cold pool at midnight! I can be kinda crazy sometimes :) New Year's Day we went for a walk on the beach.
Unbroken was a pretty good movie, but a little too slow for me, although I understand that they were really trying to make the point of how long he was stuck in a boat and the amount suffering he went through in the camps. Over 2 hours is generally too much for any movie, in my opinion, but it was a good movie, nevertheless, reminding me that humans are so much stronger than we think we can be.
Another recent milestone in my life is that the weekend before Christmas I finished my college applications. It was not a fun process, but not as hard as people seemed to make of it. I'm very proud of the essays I wrote, they really reflect me. I did not ask for, nor wanted help from any of my school's counselors on making my essays "better." I have a stubborn personality, and once I wrote them and edited them with a little help from my parents and friend that know me completely, I refused to have anyone at school read it. They might have told me to elaborate on some things, cut down on others, change the wording, etc. until it would have been shaped to something I did not create, and my voice would have been gone. They might not be the best essays admissions offices have ever read, but I can take pride that they are completely mine. Not to go to the extent to say those who seek help are wrong, but for me, this is what worked, and that's all I know.
I've gotten a bit sidetracked ... the big news I want to share is that I've already gotten accepted into two schools! One I received an email on Christmas Eve, which was the perfect pre-xmas present! The second I got in the mail 2 days ago, which was nice, because I like to open an actual letter rather than an email. The second school was the one I think I want to go to, so that made me really happy. And just knowing that I'm going to college if I want to is a big relief. It was a nice surprise for me, since the last two schools I applied to were the first two that accepted me, and I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone until spring.
I don't want to mention the schools at the moment. I feel kinda weird to share that news with everyone, where anyone at my school could read. There's just so much judgment out there, and college talk just seems like a touchy subject.
I hope you all had the best of holidays!